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In Celebration of Angelina's Birthday

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

August Fun Day Monday!

​Hello! It's Fun Day Monday again! And because it just so happens to be my birthday on Friday, August 21st, we decided to do something a little bit extra fun to celebrate.

We have a client that makes exquisite and phenomenal birthday and special occasion cakes. For a two-layer cake, the price is $30. So, in honor of my birthday this week, we have decided to give the Fun Day Monday winner a gift card for a $30 special occasion cake made by our amazing and talented client, Dee Ann Probst. You may view her talented cakes by either going to "Auntie Ann's cakes" on Facebook or to @deeann44 on Instagram.

In order to win, all you have to do is email the correct answer to me and then you will be entered into a drawing for a $30 gift card for your special occasion cake.

That's it!

We will notify the winner via email and on Facebook. The gift card will then be mailed to your home.

Thank you so much! We appreciate you being in our lives and we appreciate all your loyalties and for your referrals.

Stay safe and Have a Heavenly Day!®

Want a chance to win a $​30 gift certificate ​for a special occasion cake? Here's how to enter the drawing: Simply reply with the correct answer to the quiz question below and your name will be entered into a drawing for a free ​$​30 gift certificate ​for a special occasions cake. It is that easy!  ​We will announce the winner by email and Facebook later this week. ​The Fun Day Monday quiz question is as follows:

Which Venetian canal does the Rialto Bridge span? A. Laguna Venezia B. Rio de la Sensa ​C. Rio de l’ Arsenal D.​ The Grand Canal

Please reply with your answer and your name will be entered into the drawing to win! Good luck and t​hank you for being our client! Have a Heavenly Day!® Angelina Feichko, Principal Broker, ABR, ASP, CDPE, CNE, CHMS, CRS, GRI, SRS Bachelor Degree, Business Administration/Marketing Sold By An Angel Real Estate® Oh by the way…If you know of anyone who would appreciate the level of service we provide, please call me with their name and telephone number and we’ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them!

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