Okay, it's time for the "I AM" themed Fun Day Monday Trivial Pursuit Contest!
I love the words “I AM” because, it’s sooooo affirmative and declaring.
When one declares something, it is certain. It has a confident, “Yes!” “Indeed!”
“That is right!” effect.
In the morning I like to say my affirmations using the words, “I AM ____________” and then I add the words to the “I AM” of whatever I believe myself to be, or that I am striving to become.
I own four different items that reflect the words “I AM” and I have decided to give these items to the winner of each month’s “I AM” Fun Day Monday Trivial Pursuit Contest.
Want a chance to win our second item?
Here's how to enter the drawing:
Simply reply with the correct answer to the quiz question below and your name will be entered into a drawing to win this month's "I AM" prize. It is that easy!
We will announce the winner by email, Facebook, and Instagram on Friday.
The Fun Day Monday quiz question is as follows:
Who stars in the semi-autobiographical movie Purple Rain?
A. Jennifer Lopez
B. Michael Jackson
C. Prince
D. Shakira
Please reply with your answer and your name will be entered into the drawing to win!
Good luck and thank you for being our client!
Have a Heavenly Day!®
Angelina Feichko, Principal Broker
Bachelor Degree, Business Administration/Marketing
Sold By An Angel Real Estate®
Oh by the way…If you know of anyone who would appreciate the level of service we provide, please call me with their name and telephone number and we’ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them!