I’m happy to announce that we have one more bonus “I AM” themed item for our Fun Day Monday Trivial Pursuit Contest.
One of our awesome clients has created a special “I AM” themed item for me to give to this month’s lucky winner.
It’s a “Home Sweet Home” plaque. And what’s really cool about this plaque is that on the back of it, our client wrote, “I am…HOME.”
I do want to give a plug for this client’s business.
His name is Andy Browning and if you want to order one of these plaques for your home, he can put ANYTHING you want on it.
It’s the perfect gift. And he makes lots of great stuff.
For more information, you can contact Andy directly at boardathome123@gmail.com, or you can view his Etsy Shop by clicking here.
If you would like a chance to win this “Home Sweet Home” plaque, all you have to do is email to me the correct answer to our Trivial Pursuit question and then you will be entered into our drawing.
We will notify the winner via email, Facebook, & Instagram.
Thank you for playing, thank you for your business, and thank you for all of your referrals.
The Fun Day Monday quiz question is as follows:
What is the world's largest coral reef?
A. Great Barrier Reef
B. Maldives
C. Rainbow Reef
D. Red Sea Coral Reef
Have a Heavenly Day!®
Angelina Feichko, Principal Broker
Bachelor Degree, Business Administration/Marketing
Sold By An Angel Real Estate®
Oh by the way…If you know of anyone who would appreciate the level of service we provide, please call me with their name and telephone number and we’ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them!